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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Auto Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common automobile insurance frequently asked questions. Just click on the question you are interested in to find the answer. Do you have another question that is not answered here? You can post it on the forum or email me directly!
What are Car Financial Responsibility Laws?This is the state law that says you have to prove that you are financially able to pay for anything you may be responsible for while driving your car.
What Happens if I Choose Not to Purchase Car Insurance and Still Drive My Car?That depends on the state you live in. Most states have stringent laws about having car insurance and if you don't choose to follow these laws by not purchasing car insurance, there can be tough penalties and fines.

1 comment:

  1. Yes these are the questions that are asked mostly. But I am having some different one that I wanted to know about auto insurance policy. What if I drive someone else car, will my auto insurance policy help in that case if something goes wrong ?
    compare commercial insurances
