When you watch commercials or look at banner advertisements for auto insurance companies, you likely see people talking about the discounts that they receive or a representative promising that their company offers the largest discounts. Many people compare these advertisements to their auto policies, however, and start to wonder if the ads are made up primarily of hype. Are there really a large number of potential auto insurance discounts out there? And if so, how do you find out if you qualify?
If you are trying to determine if you might qualify for one or more auto insurance discounts, there are a few things that you can ask yourself. Do you own more than one vehicle? Do you have more than one type of insurance, such as auto as well as homeowner’s or life insurance? Does your car have anti theft devices or safety features such as airbags and anti-lock brakes? Have you ever taken driving courses or do you make good grades in school? Have you been accident free for five years or more? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you can likely see a significant discount in the price of your insurance policy.
These are not the only discounts available for your auto policy, but they are some of the most common. In order to find a complete list of discounts offered, you will need to contact each company specifically. If you meet the criteria for any of these auto insurance discounts, however, it is well worth your time to go online and fill out applications with different insurance companies to obtain price quotes. The chances are good that you will be able to find a policy with much lower premiums than you are currently paying.
Auto insurance discounts allow you to get the same quality and coverage that you currently maintain but at a lower price. With a reputable company, you will still have the same deductible and level of coverage, as well as the same features, but will be able to pay a lower premium to receive them. Meeting these criteria means that you are at a much lower risk of being at fault for an accident and that your damages will likely be lower. This reduced risk means that the company will pay less money overall to keep you protected. If you have worked hard to provide a safe driving record and a safe vehicle, you owe it to yourself to obtain the auto insurance discounts that you are entitled to.